Joe is best known for playing Mickey Miller in Eastenders, a mainstay of the iconic show for over five years. Alongside his acting credits, he has appeared on, and presented, numerous game and talk shows across multiple broadcasters.
In 2008, Joe was crowned King of the Jungle after winning I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here. He went onto present I’m a Celebrity: Extra Camp for over a decade, before heading back to the jungle in 2023, for I’m A Celebrity South Africa – All Star Edition. Joe also won Dancing on Ice in 2020, and was a finalist on 2021’s Celebrity MasterChef – and returning in 2024 as a Celebrity Judge.
Last year, Joe moved into the documentary space, fronting his first authored doc, Joe Swash – Teens in Care on BBC One, and more recently hosted BBC’s Eastenders Special, The Six Revealed.
Joe published his first cookbook, Joe’s Kitchen: Homemade Meals for a Happy Family, in October 2022, hitting the Sunday Times Bestsellers list.